Our Vision
A Fulfilling Life Starts With God.
It all began...
In 2016, Cherie Morton and a group of young ladies taking riding lessons from her created the Sonny James Equestrian Team concept. Derived from the names of Cherie’s two young daughters Sonny & James, the parents of team participants saw the spiritual benefits that girls and boys can receive through close interactions with horses. Horses are tools which allow us the opportunity to share a relationship with Jesus.
Cherie and her husband, Johnny, mentored several kids who needed this foundational experience, and whose parents could not afford it. In 2017, several parents of the team members saw this financial burden and encouraged Cherie to found Sonny James Equine Ministries, a 501C3 nonprofit.
In January 2018, the Ministry selected a CEO, appointed its first Board of Directors, and invested in CEO and Director education through Anchor Consulting.
Today, through the wise counsel of many Christians (following Proverbs 15:22), the Ministry has the organizational documents and structure needed to successfully grow and succeed.
Build up girls and boys through the knowledge and understanding that a relationship with God is the solution to a fulfilling life.
Provide girls and boys with an opportunity to develop positive character, self esteem, self discipline, and a knowledge of Christ through participation in individual and team equine training activities.
Be Christ Centered
Team Work
Cherie Morton, founder of Sonny James Equine Ministries.
The original 9 girls that started the program.
Cherie with daughters Sonny & James.