In our program, the horses are our tools to teach young women and men about God. Through this we are able to take it to the next level and train them to be true horsewomen and horsemen. We have found that our kids can relate their relationship with the horses to their relationship with God, and through our techniques, learn spiritual life lessons. As we teach them the foundation of horsemanship skills, they are able to grow closer to God and enhance their Christian leadership skills to become leaders in their daily activities and horse community. One of the most valuable lessons in our horsemanship program is that the kids must learn trust. We hope the barn and the horses are a safe place for the kids to develop true friendships, cultivate love with their families, rest their souls, and trust in God.
“Ride with me and I will teach you what you need, for I am gentle and humble, and it is here you will find rest for your soul”